School: Courtnacuddy (roll number 5038)
- Location:
- Courtnacuddy, Co. Wexford
- Teacher: (name not given)

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0901, Page 254
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- XML School: Courtnacuddy
- XML Page 254
- XML “The Well”
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On this page
- The WellThere exists on the road - side in Townamallogue a well, blessed by a priest named Father Dunne.
Someone polluted the water and it had to be blessed.
The queer thing about this story is that it had no spring.
This story was told by Miss Mahon Knockredmond Enniscorthy Co. Wexford.
Peggy Crowley, Castle Bore, Clonroche.
Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford
Age 12. 21 September 1938- Collector
- Peggy Crowley
- Gender
- Female
- Age
- 12
- Address
- Castleboro Demesne, Co. Wexford
- Informant
- Miss Mahon
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Knockredmond, Co. Wexford