School: Maio (roll number 13119)

Trohanny, Co. Meath
Máire Ní Chreaig
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0707, Page 094

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0707, Page 094

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

See copyright details.


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Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

  1. XML School: Maio
  2. XML Page 094
  3. XML “A Story about a Magpie”

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On this page

  1. Once upon a time a crow and a magpie had a talk. In the course of the conversation the magpie went to teach the crow how to build her nest. The magpie said, "Put a sprig this way." "I know, said the crow. "Put another sprig this way." "I know" said the crow. This kept on till the magpie told her how to leave seven sprigs, and the crow said still, "I know."
    "Well then," said the magpie, "when you know so much, you ought to be able to build your nest." So the crow never knew how to build her nest any further. She
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    Folktales index
    AT0236: The Thrush Teaches the Doves (etc.) to Build Small Nests
    Lena Carolan
    Druminiskin, Co. Meath