School: Baile an Churraig, Dúrlas Éile (roll number 11389)

Ballincurry, Co. Tipperary
Máighréad Ní Shúilleabháin
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0563, Page 003

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0563, Page 003

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  1. XML School: Baile an Churraig, Dúrlas Éile
  2. XML Page 003
  3. XML “St Sinech - Patroness of Crohane”

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On this page

  1. St. Sinech.
    Patroness of Crohane
    The ancient parish of Crohane, which now forms the western portion of the parish of Ballincurry, in the Barony of Slieveardagh, comprised the following townlands :- Crohane Upper and Lower, Kilnahone, Coolquill, part of Lickfin, Ballykerin, Ballincurry, and Gurtanasey.
    Although there is but little in the vicinity of it's old church site to attract the attention of the superficial observer, yet Crohane can justly lay claim to high antiquity. John O'Donovan, LL.D, the celebrated Irish scholar and antiquarian, had occasion to visit the place in 1840 in connection with his duties in the historical department of the Ordinance Survey; his work in that capacity resulted in a series of letters bearing on the topography and antiquities of almost
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    Mary O' Shea
    Crohane Lower, Co. Tipperary