School: Cill Chuimín, Durlas Éile (roll number 12538)

Kilcommon, Co. Tipperary
Donnchadh Ó Cuinnéain
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0542, Page 348

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0542, Page 348

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  1. XML School: Cill Chuimín, Durlas Éile
  2. XML Page 348
  3. XML “St Patrick's Cross”

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On this page

  1. I know at least two houses where there are numbers of these stuck in the roof inside.
    The custom of putting them up is dead but the crosses still remain. Some of them are about one foot in height and all are partly ‘x’ shaped thus:- ( diagram ) . One man told me he remembers having seen them put up on St. Patrick’s Eve. They were not used as a charm or cure of any kind but to use his own words “ they were put up in the memory of the faith brought by
    Patrick “. In a couple of samples I found no nail but a timber peg driven right through which acts as a holdfast by which the cross is affixed to the roof. I have seen one house where there are several of these crosses and side by side with them several samples of Tadhg a Gheimhridh.
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. events
      1. events (by time of year) (~11,476)
        1. Feast of St Patrick (~140)