School: Cluain Uamha (C.) (roll number 12828)
- Location:
- Cloyne, Co. Cork
- Teacher: E. Geeleher
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- XML School: Cluain Uamha (C.)
- XML Page 175
- XML “Festival Customs - Shrove Tuesday - Matchmaking”
- XML “Festival Customs - Saint Brigid's Day”
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- (continued from previous page)married next morning.
After the wedding they would go for a spin in a "gig" or in a "side car" with some other people. The custom is still kept up in parts of Ireland but not in this district. - Saint Brigid's Day
The old people had great faith in Saint Brigid long ago.
On the eve of Saint Brigid people gathered rushes and made crosses of them and hung them on the outside walls. They put those crosses up in honour of saint Brigid, and they were supposed to preserve the house from burning. Another custom was to hang ribbons out on the line. There was a cure in those ribbons for people suffering from headaches or any other pains.
The children also made images of Saint Brigid and they called them Brighidh Og. They took them from house(continues on next page)- Collector
- Rose Lane
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Cloyne, Co. Cork
- Informant
- Mrs Downing
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Cloyne, Co. Cork