School: Baile na Mín (roll number 14925)
- Location:
- Ballinameen, Co. Roscommon
- Teacher: Tomás Ó Conchobhair

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0238, Page 413
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- XML School: Baile na Mín
- XML Page 413
- XML “Famine Times”
- XML “Famine Times”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)fathers land by the roadside I was pointed out a few graves some time ago where famine victims were buried. They died on the road, and those people that had yet strength left, took them in, and buried them there. Several people died in the local church where the poor people used wander in for shelter at night and sometimes some died. The old landlord then pressed harder than ever for rents, and the people had no money, so they put them out of the houses. A great many of them were taken from their death-beds and thrown out to die. That is why so many people now live on the brink of bogs to there they were driven, and those people who live there deserve credit, because of the brave struggle they made for existence without even the smallest means.
- The year 1847 is known as the black '47, because in that year and also in '46 the potato failed all over Ireland and hundreds of people died of starvation in our district. There are alot of stories locally told connected with the famine e.g.(continues on next page)
- Informant
- Pat Carney
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Granny, Co. Roscommon