School: Baile na Mín (roll number 14925)
- Location:
- Ballinameen, Co. Roscommon
- Teacher: Tomás Ó Conchobhair

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0238, Page 399
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- XML School: Baile na Mín
- XML Page 399
- XML “Travelling Folk”
- XML “Travelling Folk”
- XML “Travelling Folk”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)Reilly's, McDonaghs and McMands.
Sometimes they bring news from distant places and tell them in each house. They mend cans, kettles and other household utensils. - Long ago there were numbers of poor people travelling the countryside. Some had no means of living except what they begged or got by charity from the country people. Others made scanty living by the sale of small articles. These poor people had no home of their own. They got a night's lodgings in every house. Their bed consisted of straw.
- The travelling folk of nowadays are called tinkers and gypsies. Most of them go about in caravans. Some of them sell cheap jewelry, straw mats, linoleum, pictures, flowers and lace. the men tinkers sell saucepans, cans, and other articles made of tin. The best known of the tinkers are Stokes, Reilly's, McDonaghs, and McMands. The tinker men mend various kinds of articles, such as kettles, pots, cans, and they also sweep chimneys and mend umbrellas. The used to beg during the(continues on next page)