School: Baile na Mín (roll number 14925)
- Location:
- Ballinameen, Co. Roscommon
- Teacher: Tomás Ó Conchobhair

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0238, Page 387
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- XML School: Baile na Mín
- XML Page 387
- XML “Epilepsy”
- XML “Sprains”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)from his finger and toe nails; some hair from his head; a crooked three penny piece; a hand of yarn; and some other objects and to bury all in the spot where the sufferer fell as a result of the first fit.
(3) A local cure for any sufferer from this disease is to get him to eat, without his knowledge of what flesh he is eating, the cooked flesh of a water-dog. - I. Sprains are treated locally by the application of a "Spraining thread" as described on page 80.
II. They are also treated with the grated root of a garden herb called Comfry. The latter method of treatment is as follows:- Some Comfry is dug up, and the roots of same are cleaned, and then grated. The grated Comfry root resembling a thick paste, is then applied to the injured part, and the whole is covered by a tight firm bandage.
This plaster is said locally to take nine days to stick, nine days to cure and nine to come off. If it has not adhered in nine days it will not affect a cure. A local individual named Mick Byran, Knockglass, Balllinameen applies this cure.