School: Coillte Críotáin
- Location:
- Erris, Co. Roscommon
- Teacher: Nóra Nic Aodhgáin
Open data
Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- XML School: Coillte Críotáin
- XML Page 342
- XML “A Collection of Prayers”
- XML “A Collection of Prayers”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)me,
The Queen of Angels may awaken me.
There are four corners on my bed,
There are four Angels at it's head;
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Bless the bed that I lie on."
When passing workmen, people say: "God bless the work."
When finishing work people say: "God rest the dead." - 3. When people start work they say: "I'll begin this in(continues on next page)
- Collector
- Martin Brennan
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Copse, Co. Roscommon