School: Coillte Críotáin
- Location:
- Erris, Co. Roscommon
- Teacher: Nóra Nic Aodhgáin

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0236, Page 327
Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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- XML School: Coillte Críotáin
- XML Page 327
- XML “Churning”
- XML “Churning”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)by moving the dash up and down. When finished it is given a rolling motion. In Winter boiling water is poured in to help to make the churning. We know when the churning is made because the butter is getting big on the dash and lid. When the churning is made the butter is lifted off, salted and made into a roll.
- 2. The height of our churn is three feet six inches. The churn(continues on next page)
- Collector
- Teresa Toolin
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Kiltycreaghtan, Co. Roscommon