School: Coillte Críotáin
- Location:
- Erris, Co. Roscommon
- Teacher: Nóra Nic Aodhgáin
Open data
Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- XML School: Coillte Críotáin
- XML Page 321
- XML “Domestic Animals”
- XML “Domestic Animals”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)next time their mother milked the cows she milked blood instead of milk because it is supposed to be unlucky to kill a swallow.
- 2. These are the names of domestic animals:- the calf, sheep, lamb, hen, chicken, duck and goose.
The cows have got names such as the "Valentine, Cross Cow, Herbert, and the Grey Cross Cow."(continues on next page)- Collector
- Teresa Toolin
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Kiltycreaghtan, Co. Roscommon