School: Coillte Críotáin
- Location:
- Erris, Co. Roscommon
- Teacher: Nóra Nic Aodhgáin
Open data
Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- XML School: Coillte Críotáin
- XML Page 281
- XML “Stories”
- XML “Stories”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)and quack loudly. They did so and because they saved their master he did not give them away.
- 2. Once upon a time a man named Dan Brien had six years of rent to pay. One day Dan went to the bank and said "I cannot pay my rent" The landlord said: "if you answer these questions I will give you the rent free." "What are they" said Dan. The Landlord said:-(continues on next page)
- Collector
- Leo Patrick Toolin
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Kiltycreaghtan, Co. Roscommon
- Informant
- Michael Toolin
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Kiltycreaghtan, Co. Roscommon