School: Firies (B.) (roll number 15945)
- Location:
- Fieries, Co. Kerry
- Teacher: Pádraig Ó Mainchín
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- XML School: Firies (B.)
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“Once upon a time a creul landlord lived at Killarney.”
Once upon a time a cruel landlord lived at Killarney. He owned the lands around Muckross. One day he ordered that the earth from the graves of Muckross Abbey be spread out on his lands as manure. The order was carried out and the earth taken from the graves. Not many days afterwards the landlord noticed a young woman dressed in black following him. After a few hours trying to elude her in vain, he waited for her. She asked him to put the earth back on the graves, but he refused. She immediately got angry and struck him on the cheek with the palm of her hand. The blow was so strong that it turned his head sideways. The woman immediately disappeared but the man's head remained turned sideways for the rest of his life.