School: Aghmakerr (roll number 16455)

Aghmakerr, Co. Monaghan
Peadar Ua Dubhthaigh
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0940, Page 107

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0940, Page 107

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Aghmakerr
  2. XML Page 107
  3. XML (no title)

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On this page

  1. (no title)

    One time a man and woman lived together very happily.

    One time a man and woman lived together very happily. As they were working in the fields one day a crow came and sat on the tree near to where they were. Suddenly she flew away and the man seeing her said to his wife, "look at the black crow". She replied that was a white one. They argued over it for a considerable time and finally the man left her and did not return for twenty years. On the day he returned home his wife gave him a "Céad míle fáilte" and prepared a fine meal for him. When he was finished they sat at the fire for a long time talking. Then they began talking about what brought him away and his wife said, "and this day and that day the black crow was a white one". They argued again for a long
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    Folktales index
    AT1365B: Cutting with the Knife or the Scissors
    Maggie Daly
    Drumillard, Co. Monaghan