School: Ráithín (C.) (roll number 9384)
- Location:
- Raheen, Co. Kerry
- Teacher: Peig, Bean Uí Chróinín
Open data
Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- XML School: Ráithín (C.)
- XML Page 119
- XML “Riddles”
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On this page
- 1 What always walks with its head down?
The nail of your boot.
2 I have a field and in the field there is a house, and in the house there is a room, and in the room there is a press and in the press there is a cup and in the cup there is a sup which every one must drink. Death.
3 Headed like a thimble, tailed like a rat you may guess for ever but you cannot guess that.
4 What is always washed in cold water but is never dried in the sun nor before the fire? - Butter.
5. A little red cow with two leather horns can jump over ditches and leap over thorns, A Hare.
6 Roly-poly against the wall ; roly-poly got a great fall.
Two score men and two score more
Could not put roly-poly as it was before (Egg.)
7 A little white house is full of meat with no door or window to let me in to eat- - Egg.(continues on next page)