School: Moyderwell Convent of Mercy (roll number 13530)

Moyderwell, Co. Kerry
Siúracha na Trócaire
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0441, Page 290

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0441, Page 290

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Moyderwell Convent of Mercy
  2. XML Page 290
  3. XML “Shela Wee”

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On this page

  1. "Shela Wee" was a robber and his name was supposed to be Carrig. It is said he had a cave at "Gleann Cluasach" hill, which is situated about a mile to the west of Tarbert. It is told that one morning a man who was minding a flock of sheep happened to approach "Shela Wee" who was counting his gold spread out over a white sheet. At first Shela thought of shooting or injuring him. But as the man was bare-footed and wearing very poor garb, he reconsidered the matter. So he gave the poor man a fist full of gold to buy clothes and boots. He gave a stern warning to the man not to tell anyone where he got the money.
    About a year afterwards "Shela" with three accomplices decided to raid Killelton House, Ballylongford. When near the house Shela directed two of his men to guard the exits from the house whilst himself and one of the men entered the house. They were all armed. He further directed the two guards outside the house to shoot anybody leaving by a particular door of the house. Apparently, after entering the house
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    Mary O' Brien
    Tarbert, Co. Kerry
    Willie Finucane
    Doonard Lower, Co. Kerry