School: Moyderwell Convent of Mercy (roll number 13530)

Moyderwell, Co. Kerry
Siúracha na Trócaire
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0441, Page 191

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0441, Page 191

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  1. XML School: Moyderwell Convent of Mercy
  2. XML Page 191
  3. XML “Old Marriage Customs”

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On this page

  1. May is considered the most unlucky month to get married, and monday, wednesday, and friday are considered the most unlucky days.When a man wants to marry a certain girl, he sends one of his freinds to her with "an account". The next day the girls parents go to the boys house, and make a match. The day of the marriage the bridegroom goes at the head of the procession, and the bride rides at the back. After they are married they have a race put of the church, and it is said that the one who is out the first will live the longest. Long ago the bridegroom got on a horse, and the bride sat on a frillion at the back. When they reachd the bridegrooms house they had a big feast which lasted until the morning. The "straw boys" go in, in the middle of the night, and they get a good supper. Then thet dance, and behave very nicely and their dress is of straw. When they go to their new home they have another feast.
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. activities
      1. social activities (~7)
        1. rites of passage (~573)
          1. marriage (~4,283)
    Mary O' Shea
    Castlegregory, Co. Kerry
    Mrs E. Duhig
    Castlegregory, Co. Kerry