School: Stuacán (roll number 14051)
- Location:
- Muingwore, Co. Sligo
- Teacher: Bríd Ní Mhiadhaigh

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0163, Page 252
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- XML School: Stuacán
- XML Page 252
- XML “St Brigid's Cross”
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On this page
- On St Brigid's Eve the youngest boy or girl of the family goes out, gets a bundle of rushes and kneels outside the door. Then he or she knocks at the door and says "Go síos ar bhur ngluanaibh agus leig Bríghid isteach," the people inside answer "Tá fáilte roimh Bríghid." He or she then comes in and leaves the rushes on the kitchen table.
Each member of the family takes a handful of rushes and makes a cross. The crosses are stuck in the roof of the house and they are taken down on All Saint's Day and blessed.- Collector
- Bridget Best
- Gender
- Female
- Age
- 14
- Address
- Tullylin or Ballyfeenaun, Co. Sligo
- Informant
- Mrs M. Best
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Tullylin or Ballyfeenaun, Co. Sligo