School: Cnoc Uí Faith (Belmont) (roll number 12010)

Belmont, Co. Galway
Micheál Ó Gnímh
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0041, Page 290

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0041, Page 290

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Cnoc Uí Faith (Belmont)
  2. XML Page 290
  3. XML (no title)

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On this page

  1. (no title) (continued)

    Long ago there lived near Lough Gill in Sligo an old woman and her son, whose name was Séamus.

    (continued from previous page)
    asking for brooms with long heads. The little cow kept close to the heels of Séamus and did not need much tending. After a little while he came to a fine patch of heath, but before beginning to cut, he thought he would sit down to take a rest, he hadn't been sitting long until he saw troops of fairies dancing about the place, some of them were playing football, there was one player among the crowd that Séamus admired, he was a small fellow with a red cap, at one time this fellow kept the ball to himself. Séamus was so pleased at the clever playing of this fellow that he shouted out "Well done red cap". As soon as Séamus had spoken the ball struck him in the eye and made him stone blind for a few minutes, he rubbed his eyes as hard as he could, and after a while he was able to look around him, and he saw everything the same as it had been before, but neither the fairies nor the cow could be seen anywhere, so he ran away home. "Where is the cow Séamus" asked his mother. "Sure I cannot tell you" said Séamus. "Is that an answer to give your mother" said the woman, "oh the cow is safe enough somewhere" said Séamus, and how
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. agents (~1)
      1. supernatural and legendary beings (~14,864)
    Padraig Ó Higín
    Kilconly, Co. Galway