School: Clochar na Toirbhirte, Lic Snámha (roll number 11849)
- Location:
- Lixnaw, Co. Kerry
- Teacher: An tSr. Gabriel

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0410, Page 313
Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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- XML School: Clochar na Toirbhirte, Lic Snámha
- XML Page 313
- XML “Disused Graveyards - Killeen”
- XML “Disused Graveyards - Gortinar”
- XML “Disused Graveyards - Caherseen”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)years ago. It was in the land owned at present by the Quilters of Gortinare. In this cemetery was a church built by Carthage or Mocuda early in the 4th Century. Before Lixnaw was called by the name which it bears to the present day it was known as Cíll Carthaigh after the Church of Carthage.
- Close to the churchyard of Kil Chárthaig is the disused graveyard known as Gortinar this cemetery is now old beyond memory. Nothing is left to indicate its position except a few stones and one or two vaults.
- Collector
- Jenny Trant
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Clogher, Co. Kerry
- Informant
- Mary Brosnan
- Gender
- Female
- Age
- 75
- Address
- Lixnaw, Co. Kerry
- This graveyard existed where Ballyhennessy now stands. There is nothing left to mark the position of this cemetery.