School: Uachtar Árd (roll number 4786)
- Location:
- Oughterard, Co. Galway
- Teacher: An tSr M. S. Iognáid

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0065, Page 244
Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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- XML School: Uachtar Árd
- XML Page 244
- XML “An Drochshaol”
- XML “An Drochshaol”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)Oughterard, lame and Colinamuck Oughterard and they would try to make the people turn protestants.At that time Paddy Callaghan from Collinmuck Oughterard was digging potatoes in his field and a crow came and carried of a potato in his beak. The crow kept flying and Paddy kept running and when he perched on St. Patrick's rock in Cluais, Paddy snapped it from her and came home again.The eyes of the potatoes were taken out and put down like mangelseed and they grew but they were small. (Mrs Callaghan told me this)
- The famine was very bad in Oughterard in the year 1847 and it is said that two thirds of the people died(continues on next page)
- Collector
- Kitty O Brien
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Oughterard, Co. Galway