School: Uachtar Árd (roll number 4786)
- Location:
- Oughterard, Co. Galway
- Teacher: An tSr M. S. Iognáid

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0065, Page 167
Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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- (continued from previous page)dearga a bhí timcheall an coca agus chaith sé timcheall an mbeirt a bhí in-a gcodhladh. Thóg sé an t-airgead uatha agus chuaidh sé chuig tighe a athair. Nuair a bhí sé e ag an dorais chuala sé glór mairgneach ó'n sgioból. Fuair sé a dearbhráthar Micheál ann agus é préachtadh leis an bhfuacht. Chuaidh sé isteach agus fuair sé a athair an caoi céadna. Chuir sé síos teine maith agus rinne sé tae dhóibh. Chaith an triúr aca a cuid eile dá saoghal go deas comportabhail agus caitheadar an píghinn deireannach don airgead. Cuireadh trí bhliadhain priosúntacht ar an bheirt gaduithe agus níor goid síad dadaidh ó'n t-am sin amach.
- Once upon a time there was in a village a house to which visitors used to come at night to play cards One night five or six came and when they were tired playing cards they sat down at the fire talking They were talking about how have each of them was and one of them said to the other. "If you are as brave as all that I will bet with you that you will not(continues on next page)
- Collector
- Nora Walsh
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Oughterard, Co. Galway
- Informant
- Mr Lydon
- Gender
- Male