School: Aill Bhreac (roll number 12103)

Aillebrack, Co. Galway
Eilís Bean Mhic Chonghaile
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0005, Page 151

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0005, Page 151

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Aill Bhreac
  2. XML Page 151
  3. XML “Ruins of an Old Chapel”
  4. XML “Ruins of an Old Chapel”

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On this page

  1. There are the ruins of a Chapel on the East side of the hill down by the sea. The walls are as strong as ever, but the roof is gone. It is exactly the same as the chapel on Chapel Island, which is said to have been built by St. Cailín. It is supposed to have been roofed with flat stones.
    On the floor inside the door is a long, flat tomb-stone on which is written:
    "PRAY for the soul of Charles Geoghegan who dyed the 8th of Der. 1724. Aged 80. ye. As also his wife, Mary Geoghegan alias Blake who dyed the 6th of Der 1765. Aged 96.
    Reques e Cant in PAce.
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
  2. In the graveyard around the Chapel are two large tomb-stones also. The inscriptions on them are almost obliterated. It is said that when Aillebrack school was being built, limestone slabs were brought from Inishmore, Aran Islands, for the window-sills, corner stones, +c.
    Canon Lynskey, who was Manager then, detected the inscription on one of the window-sills, so he had it taken down and removed to the old grave-yard one night.
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
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