School: Baile Ruadh (Cailíní)
- Location:
- Ballyroe, Co. Galway
- Teacher: Máire, Bean Uí Fhearghail

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0013, Page 364
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On this page
- 1. Eilís de Bhúrca,
2. baile Liam, Co. Na Gaillimhe
3. 4. Scoláire.
5. Pádhraic de Cheí thearnaigh, Sean Bhaile.
6. Timcheall 66 blíana daois
7. Sean Bhaile, Baile Liam, Co. Na Gaillimhe.
8. 15 ard lá Samhna 1938.Fúair Pádhraic O Ceithearnaigh an sgéal seo o a athair darbh ainm Dó
Pádhraich O Ceitearnaigh igo raibh cómhnuidhe i Sean Bhaile a fuair bás 40 blían o shoin in aois 70blíana.In former times on St. Brigid's eve the father of every family used to make crosses in her honour. The crosses were made from two thin boards which were formed into a cross and(continues on next page)- Collector
- Eilís de Búrca
- Other names
- Eilís de Búrca
- Lizzie Burke
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Monasterowen, Co. Galway
- Informant
- Pádhraic de Cheíthearnaigh
- Gender
- Male
- Age
- c. 66
- Address
- Williamstown, Co. Galway