School: Leitre (roll number 16164)
- Location:
- Lettera, Co. Galway
- Teacher: Seán Ó Reachtaire

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0012, Page 080
Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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- XML School: Leitre
- XML Page 080
- XML “Filí an Bhaile”
- XML “An Drochshaol”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)It is for the rich people he used to be playing. He was half-blind and he used to speak to every one in Irish. He used to get money for playing on his bag-pipe. He used not wate to long talking to people. He would say that his time was too precious and he would go on his journey. That man died since. There are not any poets around this place now.
- In the year of the famine the most of the people died for want of food. Their crops did not grow and they used to fall dead on the side of the road-side with hunger. When the potato crop was growing the blight came on the crop. The potato crop failed on that year. It failed three years after one another. The people were dying with hunger. The last year of the famine the people had only very small(continues on next page)