School: Baile Locha Riabhach (B)

Loughrea, Co. Galway
Eón Mac Giolla Odhráin
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0060, Page 0121

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0060, Page 0121

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

  1. XML School: Baile Locha Riabhach (B)
  2. XML Page 0121
  3. XML (no title)
  4. XML (no title)

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On this page

  1. (no title)

    About 50 years ago a man happened to be going to a fair when he thought of a short-cut and turned into a field near-by that had a reputation of being haunted.

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    1. agents (~1)
      1. supernatural and legendary beings (~14,864)
    Seán Hannon
    Loughrea, Co. Galway
  2. (no title)

    On a certain night not long ago a cow got sick and was in danger of death

    On a certain night not long ago a cow got sick and was in danger of death. A poor man who was staying at the house said to the owner to make a drink for the cow of this nature; iron boiled in water, the water to be given to the cow. It was done but the cow did not recover and in the middle of the night the owner of the house took ill and was dying. The priest was notified and Extreme Unction administered. Immediately the man recover and the cow died.
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.