School: Cill Fhínghín (roll number 16222)

Killeeneen More, Co. Galway
Séamus Ó Ceallaigh
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0033, Page 0347

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0033, Page 0347

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Cill Fhínghín
  2. XML Page 0347
  3. XML “A Cure for a Cough”
  4. XML “A Cure for a Cough”

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On this page

  1. Put down butter milk in a saucepan and leave it by the fire for one hour. When it is a half a hour down the butter milk burst up and put a half cup of new milk in top of the butter milk and that will bring it down again then get a clean bit of a stick and stir the milk with it. After a while the milk breaks and there is whey and curds left. The curds are taken from the whey and they are let cool. The whey is drank a little hot and the curds are eaten afterwards. Sometimes the curds are not eaten but given to the chickens. The whey is the best thing that will take the cold of you. The curds are not much use for the cold.
    This is another cure for a cold, put down a half saucepan of buttermilk and let it boil then put a plate of eaten meal down in the milk and keep stirring it for five minutes. Then leave it there until it thickens. Then put it in a plate and put sugar on top of it and eat it. It will take away the cold of you.
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. activities
      1. medical practice
        1. folk medicine (~11,815)
          1. medicine for human sicknesses
            1. cough (~30)
    Winnie Connors
    Roevehagh, Co. Galway
  2. Put down oaten meal in cold butter milk and leave the sauspan on the fire to boil. When it is boiling keep stirring it. When it is boiled put it out in a dish and add a little bit of butter and sugar it is always eaten hot. If new milk is added it is called whey it is good for a
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.