School: Gráinseach Ailt an Chaistín (St. Johnston)
- Location:
- Saint Johnstown, Co. Donegal
- Teacher: Seán Ó Seanacháin
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- There are nine graveyards in the Parish of Taughboyne, in the Laggan district, East Donegal. The Old Graveyard and the new Graveyard attached to the Presbyterian Church in St. Johnston and the Roman Catholic graveyard also adjacent to the village of St. Johnston. The graveyard attached to the Presbyterian Church at Ballylennon and the very ancient and disused graveyard called "Castlebane" also in the townland of Ballylennon. The disused graveyard known as the "Old Chapel Green" at the "Waukmill" in the townland of Classeygowan. It contains the remnant of the last resting place of the mortal remains of at least one priest. The graveyard at Monreagh Presbyterian Church and the graveyard attached to the Protestant Episcopal Church at Taughboyne. The very ancient burial place at Maymore, St. Johnston.All of them are still used except Maymore, "Castlebane" in the townland of Ballylennon and the "Old Chapel Green" at the Waukmill in the townland of Calsseygowan. "Castlebane" graveyard is round in shape and is on the side of a hill facing East.There are churches in perfect condition in five of the nine graveyards of the Parish. There is a ruined Church in the old graveyard the the Church Lane in(continues on next page)