School: Damastown (roll number 12327)

Damastown, Co. Dublin
Delia Wilson
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0787, Page 291

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0787, Page 291

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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On this page

  1. There is a field called the Priest's Meadow which belongs to Mr. Whyte. It is so called because it is situated at the entrance to the priest's avenue. There is a hole called the Cobbler's Hole in this field and a little man was seen by several people at dusk cobbling boots, for the fairies. He was seen at the bottom of a rugged very old ash tree over the river. The working horses grazing in this field were often tired in the mornings and their manes were tied into stirrups where the fairies were riding them.
    Another field on the same farm owned by the same man is called Long leg
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. agents (~1)
      1. supernatural and legendary beings (~14,864)
    2. place-space-environment
      1. local lore, place-lore (~10,595)