School: Lochmuice (roll number 16556)

Loch Muc, Co. Donegal
Áine M. Ní Fhuathaigh
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 1050, Page 27

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 1050, Page 27

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

  1. XML School: Lochmuice
  2. XML Page 27
  3. XML “Plúr na gCailín nÓg”
  4. XML “The Maid of Glenfinn”

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On this page

  1. (continued from previous page)
    a tháinig chuig Gleannfhinne agus a thug grádh do Ghráinne Ní Mhaoidhe a bhí in a comhnuidhe i Mín na Gualann fán am. Tá sí pósta anois ar Mháighistir Chéitinn. Chuidigh duine de na Maoidhigh le P.Ó Tiomanaidhe an dá dhán seo a dhéanamh.)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
  2. In blooming spring when warblers sing, and lambkins sport and play
    To view this kind nature's charms I carefully did stray
    Through Tirchonaill's glens and valleys my bicycle did spin
    Till I saw this fair enchanted spot that lies in fair Glenfinn.
    To describe these lovely sceneries and beauties most sublime
    It was my whole intention, in prose likewise in rhyme
    But alas like one enchanted I dropped my feeble pen
    When I met this gracious fair one whose smiles light up Glenfinn.
    It was cruel fate that tempted me those beauties to explore
    I never thought that Cupid's dart woukd pierce me to the core
    I was so free and happy I knew no guile or sin
    Till I met this charming fair one whose smiles light up Glenfinn.
    When I lie on my pillow to (gasp) in calm upose
    In dreams her form haunts me whenever my eyes do close
    I think I hear the melodious voice in every sound and din
    Of the kind and gracious fair one whose smiles light up Glenfinn.
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. agents (~1)
      1. supernatural and legendary beings (~14,864)
        1. Fianna (~595)
    Áine M. Ní Fhuathaigh