School: Dún Ceann Fhaolaidh (roll number 15499)

Dunkineely, Co. Donegal
Seaghan Mac Cuinneagáin
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 1038, Page 253

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 1038, Page 253

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Dún Ceann Fhaolaidh
  2. XML Page 253
  3. XML “The Great Drowning at Bruckless”

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On this page

  1. March 1938
    Owing to the nearness of this place to the atlantic ocean, fish are all very plentiful. At this time there was a great herring fishing in Bruckless and there was a very plentiful supply of fish frequented the Bay.
    The fishing boats were from Teelin, Kilcar and Killybegs and St John’s point. This drowning took place in the year of 1813 [?] in the month of February and that is 125 years ago.
    The majority of the fishermen were not very well acquainted with the coast and on this occasion they did not know much about the shore.
    At this time a witch was supposed to be living in a little house where the creamery is now and her house was situated under a bush.
    Every morning when the fishermen would come in with the fish they used to give her some and in the end they got tired of giving them to her. One morning she came down to the quay and she asked them for fish and the
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. time
      1. historical periods by name (~25)
        1. the great famine (~4,013)