School: Balscadden (roll number 9492)
- Location:
- Balscaddan, Co. Dublin
- Teachers: P. Ó Séaghdha Francis Shaw

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0783, Page 231
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- XML School: Balscadden
- XML Page 231
- XML “Home Prayers”
- XML “Prayer”
- XML “Prayer”
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- 231
House Prayers
I lay my body down to sleep. I pray to God my should to keep, and if I die before I wake. I pray to God my should to take, there are four corners on my bed there are four angles round my head Mathew, Mark, Luke and John God bless the bed I lay on. - Prayer
In the morning when I waken I say O my God I will raise myself up from this bed of sleep to adore thee my God to labour for the salvation of soul. - Prayer
Dear Jesus I give Thee thanks for bringing me safe during this night
Show us thy holy face O Lord and we shall be saved. Thy servant ariseth O Lord have mercy on me. Dear Jesus grant me the grace to love you more and more. O Holy St Joseph head of the Holy Family pray for me. O my God I love you O my God I adore Thee
Jesus meek and humble of heart make my heart like to thine.- Collector
- Mary Russell
- Gender
- Female