School: Balscadden (roll number 9492)
- Location:
- Balscaddan, Co. Dublin
- Teachers: P. Ó Séaghdha Francis Shaw

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0783, Page 210
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- XML School: Balscadden
- XML Page 210
- XML “Local Cures”
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- 210
Local cures
The older inhabitants still believe the cures from herbs and are slow to forsake them for the doctors, bottle. In this parish many people had the cures for different ailments but unfortunately the cures dies with the lucky people and hence the cures are nearly a thing of the past. The simple cure for a sty on the eye was to get a neighbor to point a gooseberry stick at the sty nine times on each of three consecutive days, while doing so, the person used the prayer - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and Holy-Ghost. The dock was thrown over the left shoulder. Our local well (St Marys) is still visited by people for washing their sore eyes in its water. Those who believe in this cure seldom fail to gain relief. A rather gruesome cure for the tooth ache is handed down fro olden times. If a person had the nerve to pull a tooth out of a skull, found in a graveyard and carried this tooth around always that person would never(continues on next page)- Collector
- Annie Langan
- Gender
- Female