School: Balscadden (roll number 9492)
- Location:
- Balscaddan, Co. Dublin
- Teachers: P. Ó Séaghdha Francis Shaw

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0783, Page 162
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- XML School: Balscadden
- XML Page 162
- XML “Christmas Customs”
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- 162
Christmas Customs
We still keep our old Christmas customs in this parish in honour of the birth of Christ. Christmas is a very busy time with us. The people of this parish decorate their houses with holly and Ivy, and they make a large Christmas pudding. The Christmas is lit on Christmas eve night and placed on the window to show light to the weary traveller. People send greetings to their friends and they get some in return. It is lovely to hear the people wishing each other a happy Christmas. There is a crib placed in every chapel and very many come to visit it. People as a rule stop at home on Christmas day and have their dinner with their candle lighting on the middle of the table. We hope that the day will never come when these customs have ended.
Neta Flood St VII- Collector
- Neta Flood
- Gender
- Female