School: Baile Uí Dhuibh, Kilmeaden (roll number 13636)

Ballyduff West, Co. Waterford
Caitlín Madders
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0650, Page 294

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0650, Page 294

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Baile Uí Dhuibh, Kilmeaden
  2. XML Page 294
  3. XML “Butter-Making”

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On this page

  1. When butter was made at home long ago, the milk was skimmed with a skimmer. Then the cream was put in a wooden vessel for a few days.
    When they had the quantity they required they made the butter.
    The cream was put in the barrel and the barrel was kept turning by twisting the handles. About half an hour it took to make it.
    A plug which was in the side of the barrel was taken out, and then the buttermilk came out, and it was kept for certain uses.
    The buttermilk was thought healthy to drink, and they used it in making bread.
    Cold water was put in with a funnel and the churn was twisted around, and they gave the butter three washings.
    Then it was taken out and put into a tub, and salted, and washed again.
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. activities
      1. economic activities
        1. agriculture (~2,659)
          1. butter and churns (~3,280)
    Mrs de Lacey
    Kilmeadan, Co. Waterford