School: Baile Uí Dhuibh, Kilmeaden (roll number 13636)

Ballyduff West, Co. Waterford
Caitlín Madders
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0650, Page 259

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0650, Page 259

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Baile Uí Dhuibh, Kilmeaden
  2. XML Page 259
  3. XML “An Irish Hero”

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On this page

  1. An Irish Hero.
    Long ago there lived at Darrigle
    near Kilmeaden in Co. Waterford the greatest duelliest
    in the world, and the people called his. Pat na Desrgal.
    He was against all the Priests, and
    Bishops of Ireland, and he is buried
    at Kilmeaden and it is said that
    his pistols are buried with him.
    This is another story that I heard
    about him.
    One day Lord Waterford, got a great,
    big hammer, and he invited Pat na Deargal to his house, and Pat came.
    So Lord Waterford threw the hammer
    and it hit the wall, and Pat took off
    his coat, and got his sledge, and
    threw it, and it hit the deer that
    was on the wall, and knocked off
    one of it's horns.
    We now see the deer on the wall
    with only one horn on him.
    Taken down from.
    Mr Maurice Carey.
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. agents (~1)
      1. historical persons (~5,068)
    2. time
      1. historical periods by name (~25)
        1. penal times (~4,335)
    3. place-space-environment
      1. land management (~4,110)
    Mr Maurice Carey
    Kilmeadan, Co. Waterford