School: Béal Dearg (roll number 11582)

Béal Deirg Mór, Co. Mayo
Pádraig Mac Conghamhna
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0139, Page 283

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0139, Page 283

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  1. XML School: Béal Dearg
  2. XML Page 283
  3. XML “Jack the Ripper”

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On this page

  1. Jack The Ripper
    By the powers of Mall Kenny He is captured at last
    We hear Jack the Ripper
    Has come to Belfast
    All around Ireland
    He intends for to sail
    Until the devil does catch him
    And slap him in jail.
    Who must he be? Can nobody tell
    Or is he an Antichrist liberated from Hell.
    "We are done for certain" that's what they will say
    Here comes Jack the Ripper, keep out of his way.
    He is down on the women whenever he can
    Especially those looking out for a man. He is too easily known by the habit he got I am advising every lad to look after his "moth" Keep indoors after night-fall and take my advice. Beware of the men if they want to entice. Every man ask you to give him a [?] Put your hands to your mouth with your findgers do
    Now we'll shortlyhaar tell of his kick on the trap And "Martin" to whoever him with the white cap May ten thousand devils with large iron chains Be there on the scaffold to dash out his brains ([?])
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    Pádraig Breathnach
    Béal Deirg Mór, Co. Mayo