School: Béal Dearg (roll number 11582)
- Location:
- Béal Deirg Mór, Co. Mayo
- Teacher: Pádraig Mac Conghamhna

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0139, Page 207
Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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- XML School: Béal Dearg
- XML Page 207
- XML “Clocha Eile”
- XML “An Bolsaire Tanaí”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)record of this has already been forwarded to the Folklore Commission)
There is an old Martello Tower on Cnoc a Túr, west of Belderrig. From it another tower is visible on Cnoc a Túr on the Belmullet peninsula, but no tower is visible to the east.
On the top of Thanney Mór are the traces of a small building an astronomer had made for his instruments. He came there to make observations about 60 or 70 years ago. - Bulsaire Thanaidhe – The Bittern The old people have a tradition that an animal or spirit dwelt on Thanney Mór. It used to roar at night and could be heard by the people living great distances from the hill. There is a probability that the roaring or booming was that made by the bittern which was plentiful in the district about 100 years ago but has been extinct here for over 80 years.
There is a glen stretching from Glenamoy(continues on next page)