School: Loughkeeren

Knockatemple, Co. Mayo
Anna M. Warde
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0120, Page 88

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0120, Page 88

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Loughkeeren
  2. XML Page 88
  3. XML “Local Marriage Customs - Patsy Scully”

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On this page

  1. At Patsy Scully's Hauling Home the party were all on horseback, every man had a girl on the horse behind him. They were hasting from the brides's home to her new home a journey of about ten miles. The married pair were not first at the house. The man and lady who were first, got a bottle of whiskey. The last quarter of a mile of the race was most exciting. It was through Rathruane farm. Night had set in and the hills, steep slopes, marshes, a river and whins were some of the obstacles to be surmounted.
    I think Patsy was right not to endanger his wife or himself.
    My grandaunt told me the above story.
    Celine Warde
    St. Ciaran's
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. activities
      1. social activities (~7)
        1. rites of passage (~573)
          1. marriage (~4,283)
    Celine Warde
    Bellavary, Co. Mayo