School: Baile an Daingin (B) (roll number 1676)
- Location:
- Ballindine, Co. Mayo
- Teacher: Séamus P. Ó Gríobhtha

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0096, Page 704
Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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- XML School: Baile an Daingin (B)
- XML Page 704
- XML “Farm Animals - The Cow”
- XML “Farm Animals - The Cow”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)tie a sauspen to the calfs mouth for fear he would eat hay or grass and choke. This custom is still observed in my neighbourhood.
- One time the people had many beliefs about the cow. They used to bless the cows on the hip bone after milking them so that they would give them milk. When a person used to go milking a cow and if the cow would not stand still he would say to her fan socair. Sometimes when people used to be selling cows they used to milk them into their shoes to take away the butter from them so as to have it in the next cows they would buy.
The cow used to stick her head into a hole in the "bails" and a board used to be pushed back so that she could not pull her he(continues on next page)- Collector
- Louis Mc Hugh
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Branraduff, Co. Mayo
- Informant
- John Mc Hugh
- Gender
- Male
- Age
- 49
- Address
- Branraduff, Co. Mayo