Imleabhar: CBÉ 0283
- Dáta
- 1928
- Bailitheoir
- Suíomh

Tagairt chartlainne
An Príomhbhailiúchán Lámhscríbhinní, Imleabhar 0283, Leathanach 0170
Íomhá agus sonraí © Cnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann, UCD.
Féach sonraí cóipchirt.
ÍoslódáilAr an leathanach seo
- 1.
One evening as Sol reclined in his ways
I commenced my usual encursions
The birds that sang sweetly were then going away
And most enchanting lay natures exertions
When at length in the duske I espied a young pair
I seldom beheld a beauty so rare
I then felt astonished when I heard him declare
Fair maid will you call me your darling
I waited a moment to hear her reply
disliking of course to disturb him
But in the meantime I wished I had been
faraway that apparently I couldn't prevent it
Her blushes & kisses seemed his heart to beguile
& he holding his hand round her neck all the while
How soon you expect it she said with a smile
Young man that I'd call you my darling.
I'll give you an abundance of money said he
& in robes I will dress you most splendid
A farm of land & to hold it rent free
And servants in plenty attending
I'll give you a carriage & horses to drive(leanann ar an chéad leathanach eile)